
"Castle of the May Sigh Shimmering on the Pale Blue Water of the Moon Prism to the 4rth power"

Since I randomly decided to start posting at this blog again.
I figure that I might as well repost several posts I've made at other blogs.
(I don't feel like taking the time to write some new posts for the time being. There's a lot I want to talk shit about, but so little time.)
26 August 2008 @ 11:59 pm

Sailor moon was just weird all together.
Don't even get me started on the Sailor Stars. I still remember when I first saw Sailor Star healer & later realized that she's not exactly a she, hah hah.

I liked the music for the American version of the cartoon.
The voice acting was shit, but the music rocked.

Damn I feel like a pedo posting this ish up, but it's sailor fucking moon, the nostalgia.
I used to have a crush on Rei when I was a kid, now I look back & I'm like ew big ass animu eyes,

but at least teh real Rei is still pretty damn attractive.

They got a surprisingly cute chick to play as usagi.

I remember I first started watching the live action series, because one of the girls is the same breed as me. (Well, Mostly.)

Luna & Artemis still crack me up.

Sailor moon brings back memories. Hah hah in fact this post isn't about Sailor Moon at all!
It's a trojan horse for the NSFW Masked Rider.
(Most people who watch this shit only did so for the fags or the whores.
The plot was fairly interesting too, but that's just a plus.)
I remember I used to get up early every sunday to watch Kamen Rider. Simply because some of the chicks were hot.

She may look like donkeyshit in that picture, but she was a f'ng babe when you saw her in motion.
In fact she grew up to become a premier butt model, lol.

I haven't seen what happened to this chick since Kamen Rider Agito ended in early 2002.
(I didn't bother to look her up until yesterday evening while reading that post.)
I find it hilarious how the girl who I thought was so hot that I actually woke up every sunday morning to watch Kamen Rider just to see her.
Has grown up to become some slutty ass butt model.
Back in the day I used to imagine her in poses like that, now she has pics like that all over the internet...
She wasn't slutty at all in Kamen Rider. (And I still thought dirty thoughts of her.)

Damn, how the hell did I know she was gonna grow up into that?
Shit I'm getting too old.
One more reason why Persona used to be the shit back in 1999.

Damn, why can't games be as fucking insane as they used to be back in the 90's early 2000's?
That game even made Osama Bin Laden jokes a yr. or two before 9/11.

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